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JJ's Powerbuilding Programs

PowerBuilding Program

PowerBuilding Program

36 total reviews

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $60.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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Progress or your Money Back Guaranteed

          We guarantee that you will be able to PR all three big lifts by the end of the program or you money back guaranteed. 

Program Information

          Powerbuilding is a combination of powerlifting and bodybuilding training principles being used to get brutally strong whilst still building as much muscle as possible. While running these programs you will be benefiting from the best of both worlds and furthering yourself physically in all aspects. 

My Experience With PowerBuilding 

       Personally, I have used a powerbuilding style of training to reach a level of strength and size that I never thought would be possible for myself

. I completely attribute all of my success to this program which has allowed me to transform my bench from 160 to 440+, my squat from 240 to 661+, and my deadlift from 330 to 760+

Program Features

          Includes a diet plan and detailed information about how to be an elite level lifter. Features methods of enhancing training that all elite lifters are already taking advantage of. 


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Money-Back Guarantee

We guarentee that you will add both pounds onto your Squat Bench and Deadlift while adding pounds of muscle onto your frame or your money back guaranteed!

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